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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Another Two-Page Spread

Boy, it's been a while! Inconsistency in posting seems to be the hallmark of this blog. Well, that and the PURE HILARITY of our PARODY!

So, since our last post was a two-page spread, I thought we'd follow it up with another...

This one is done by yours truly, Lieutenant Warp. It comes from a generic Cinderella book, except, as you can tell form the edges of the pages, the book is not in the traditional rectangle shape - it's kind of scallopy.

Inspiration: The Prince wasn't happy and the step-sisters WERE bending over a bit too much, in my opinion so I came up with a reason 'why' the Prince wasn't happy with the ladies who came to the ball...

Altered: Clearly, I hand-wrote in another sentence to help explain the artwork. I erased the necklines of the sisters and lowered them, making the more...ahem, interesting. Then I erased some lines in the front of the dresses and drew in some new ones to make it look like the sisters were parting their voluminous skirts. Finally, I added the legs. I also drew in a lacy bottom and colored it so it the 'interior' of the skirt was a different color than the 'exterior.'

Fav Detail: The pantaloons on the sisters. The fact they wear saggy under-things only makes them LESS attractive.

Be sure to click on each picture so you can see the details. I shrank them on the blog view so you could see them side-by-side but if you click on them they will come up full size.

1 comment:

Babe in Boysland said...

SIgh... I love this blog...