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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Before and After, Part One of Two

By way of example, here is a Little Mermaid page before I defiled it:

And here's after: I thought how odd she looked; reaching up towards that really bright star like she was offering it something. So I added a bloody heart in her hand and a caption.


Anonymous said...

Okay, this IS better than old bricks...getting funnier.

Because. said...

hahahahahaha- to funny.

Lieutenant Warp said...

Did you mean "too" funny, as in "If something is too funny someone will likely press charges," or "to funny" as in "It's somewhere in the range of hahaha-to-funny but doesn't quite reach the level of funny"?

skcoe said...

I could have NEVER done stuff like this. I can't draw to save my life- often my kids look at me quizzically after I've doodled something and they can't figure out what it is.