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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Dancing Queen, Part One

Okay, it's been a while but we're back. Promise. and just in time for the holidays!

Speaking of the holidays, we don't really have any "holiday themed" pages to share. So I thought I'd make a REALLY tenuous connection. Ready? Here goes!

The holidays = parties. Parties often = dancing. Here is a pic done by the Artist Still Known as Nom about dancing. Enjoy!


skcoe said...

HAH! And ewwww....I think I've seen that girl at a rave before...

Lieutenant Warp said...

A pioneer themed rave?

(see Sept. 27, 2008 posting)

Nick and Laura said...

So great! I love making fun of things people can't control!

skcoe said...

No, just a regular old rave. I barely remember it.

Lieutenant Warp said...

skcoe, I konw what you mean. I hardly ever remember the really good raves.

Lieutenant Warp said...

Then you'd love making fun of my libido...

Nick and Laura said...


I do love it! Umm, I mean, I might if I had ever tried it.