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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

So Hard to Get Good Help

Thus far, we've only posted pictures warped and twisted by myself, Lt. Warp, and Twisted Sistah. But there is another artist...whose depravity has truly made him a freak. As of yet he has not chosen a "nom de crayon" so I'll just call him "Nom."

I just received a comment on our First Posting from "kay without a t" wondering if we had any pages with "bloody puppies." Oddly enough, we do. Always ready to please, I was only too happy to comply. So, kay without a t, this one's for you - if you only knew what you were asking...

It should also be noted that the Puppies have a honored place next to Cinderella in our hearts - we've got LOTS of puppy pages...

Original: Nanny was holding up her hand to count the puppies - nom erased her finger and drew in the board. Nom also gave Nanny "angry" eyebrows and added tears in the eyes of some of the puppies. Color in some of the "spots" with red and presto! Instant hilarity.


skcoe said...

Ew. EW!

Lieutenant Warp said...

Look, don't blame us - it was all kay without a t's idea.

Anonymous said...

Very funny (because I am assuming you are not psycho).

Lieutenant Warp said...

Yeesss...not psycho...